Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I created my infographic over test taking tips for students. I used Google Draw to create it and will be using it in my classroom!


  1. This would be perfect for your age group and elementary students. This is an important issue that many students and teachers forget about at times. Good job! Did you find Google Draw hard to use?

  2. I really like your topic! The colors and images look great. I was wondering about this for our parnter Jenn too- but does it have to have stats and data on it too? I thought the rubric said that, but maybe not, it's been a while since I've looked at it. Otherwise it looks great!!

  3. Looks great! I might need to make one of these for my class too. Google Draw seemed pretty easy to use. I think our students should be able to use it.

  4. Very good info graphic Rachael! I think this will be a beneficial tool for your students and students in other classes. This is a good visual that could easily be made into a poster to hang around school. Great job!

  5. I really like how you used test taking strategies to use for your infographic. This is something that you are going to be able to use everyday in your classroom. I'm going to have to check out google draw! I wonder how it compares to Piktochart?
