Saturday, April 12, 2014

Twitter Chat

I participated in my first Twitter chat this past week! And boy was it quite an experience! The chat I participated in was #4thchat. This chat was created for fourth grade teachers, which made it nice since everyone participating was a fourth grade teacher like myself. Our topic was Earth Day. The moderator asked some great questions about activities that can be used in our classroom for Earth Day and about how to teach kids to reduce their carbon footprint. It was very exciting to see all the amazing responses. I loved when one of the participant made the comment that she must be completely brain dead from her first day back from break because she couldn't think of anything and everyone else sounded like a bunch a geniuses! I couldn't agree more. People were throwing out some amazing ideas in a matter of seconds. I was able to leave the chat with not only great ideas but I was able to follow, and was followed, by about 5-6 new people on Twitter. So my PLN grew!

The only thing I found challenging was finding time to do the chat. I had a whole list of chats that I could participate in throughout the week, but as a parent of two kids who has activities literally every single night of the week, none of the times were very convenient. I had to enlist help from other people to get my kids where they needed to be in order to sit down and participate. I will certainly try my best to participate in more chats because it was very beneficial. But if I’m going to continue something on a regular basis, it has to be convenient.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed the twitter chat experience! I agree they are very valuable but timing is important as well. When we have a lot of other responsibilities finding the time is really a challenge!
